We want lots of things in life ... but we don't need anything to be ... happy. ... cause happiness itself is not related so much to the physical world … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

In life ... we want lots of things.

And ... i've personally wanted ... over the years ... lots, lots of things.

I really had a huge list of desire ... and also big dreams.

Somehow ... is funny cause the Universe is allowing us to get all these things.

Might be an expensive car.

Might be ... a house on the sea.

Or ... lots of houses.

Or ... maybe ... a yacht.

We get it ... but ....

Happiness is not coming.

And ... even if we are happy it is not actually that intense long term happiness ... we chased for.

No ....

It is really ... nothing so special ... as we had expected.

Unfortunately .... the passing of time ... made me understand that accomplishment of my desires will not really make me happy.

No ...

And it is even worst ... cause i might be overwhelmed by sadness seeing that i don't really get a certain type of happiness.

Of course ... because i am annoyed.

But you know why?!

Well ... i believe that many of our desires ... are not even our own desires.


They were induced to us ... by the others.

... and we've illusory believed that we'll be happy.

But ... i only tried to fool my mind ... avoiding the annoying .... sadness which ... many times ... almost overwhelmed me.

... like happened to many others.

So ... i was lying to myself ... somehow promising that ... if i will get that or that .... or that ... i will be happy.

Yes ... happiness ... was a projection into the future ... and saying "I want that ... " was actually just a way of saying ... trying to convince myself that i need to wait ... cause happiness is going to appear.

So ... I've continued to believe into the need of accomplishing my desires ... or even work very hard ... for my dreams.

Yes …

... illusory believing... the trick will work.

Unfortunately ... it was not like that.

And ... i was blind.

In fact .... I did all my best to blind myself ... and fool my mind.

... not accepting that happiness is actually not so related with the physical world.

I could actually be happy ... today .. now ... right in this moment.

I could just decide to walk on the streets ... look at the trees ... at the birds ... at the nature near me ... and connect to happy vibes.

I don't need to wait 1 month ... 1 year ... or maybe one century ... to be happy.

No ....

The real truth is that the accomplishment of our dreams and desires ... will not automatically make us happy.

But ... we could disconnect from this ... dogma.

And ... simple chase for whatever gives us happy vibes.

... cause those vibes ... are the real path to happiness.

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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